Bite Correction

Dental malocclusions, including overbites, underbites, and crossbites can be effectively addressed through orthodontic treatments at Sound Dental in Morehead City, NC.

Overbite Correction

Overbite is frequent in both children and adults. The form and/or size of the jaw or teeth is the most typical cause of an overjet. There may be too much or too little space in the jaw region to fit one’s teeth. If an overjet is not addressed, teeth might cluster together and grow crooked, causing more difficulties.

Overbites are a form of malocclusion, an irregular or rough contact between the upper and lower teeth. When the upper and lower teeth align, chewing and biting are easier. If they are misaligned, it can lead to worn enamel, cracked and broken teeth, jaw pain, and a variety of other symptoms. If you believe your child is experiencing an overbite, call our office today to schedule an appointment!

Underbite Correction

An underbite can affect you at different stages in your life and can also be caused by multiple factors. While underbites are best treated while the jaw is still developing, many adults live with this type of misaligned jaw and suffer from TMJ, headaches, chronic pain, and more. If you believe you or your child is experiencing underbite, call our office to schedule an appointment today!

Crossbite Correction

A crossbite is common among young people and adults and can cause issues such as headaches, jaw pain, tooth decay, and other health and jaw development problems if it’s not corrected.

Crossbites are a form of malocclusion, which is an irregular or rough contact between the upper and lower teeth. When the upper and lower teeth align, chewing and biting are easier. If they are misaligned, it can lead to worn enamel, cracked and broken teeth, jaw misalignment, and a variety of other symptoms. If you believe you or your child is experiencing crossbite, call our office today to schedule an appointment.

Space Maintainers

When baby teeth fall out prematurely, problems can arise if not maintained properly. In these cases, a pediatric orthodontist will place a device called a space maintainer in your child’s mouth to make sure that their adult teeth will grow properly. Space maintainers help “hold space” for permanent teeth. This prevents adult teeth from growing into an empty space instead of where they should be in the mouth–causing overcrowding and other dental problems as primary teeth fall out and adult teeth replace them.

Sometimes kids lose their baby teeth early due to trauma, congenital defects, accidents, or decay. There are different types of space maintainers, so your child’s orthodontist will recommend a space maintainer depending on your child’s situation.

At Sound Dental, we can provide pediatric space maintainers for your child to ensure their permanent teeth grow in correctly.

More Questions?

If you have more questions about bite correction or want to schedule an appointment, please give us a call and we will be happy to discuss further.